Top 10 fishes found in India
There are various kinds of fishes found in India but we will basically discuss freshwater fishes in this blog. Fishing in India is a major industry in coastal areas employing nearly 14 million people. Tonnes of seafood is exported worldwide from India and so it is necessary for us to know what are some of the most common fishes found in the Indian market. So let's see some of the famous freshwater fishes found India.
It is a silver-coloured fish that can weight maximum of 45kgs. This fish is found in most rivers of northern and eastern India. It is also found in neighbouring countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Myanmar. These fishes mainly feed on plankton. They are cultured in lakes and ponds for human consumption.
This fish has a large broad head, a large protruding lower jaw and upturned mouth. It has large, greyish scales on its dorsal side and whitish on its belly. Catla is a surface and midwater feeder. Adults feed on zooplankton using large gill rakers, but young ones on both zooplankton and phytoplankton. Catla attains sexual maturity at an average age of two years and an average weight of 2 kg.
This fish is also from carp family found in most parts of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other neighbouring countries. They are commercially important and are highly esteemed food fish. It has a high market price and is so considered for aquaculture.
This fish is related to the herring of the Clupeidae family. It is a very popular food fish in India. It is a national fish of Bangladesh and state symbol in the Indian states of West Bengal and Tripura. About 450,000 people are directly involved with this fish for their livelihood.
These fishes are from the cichlid family and are mainly found in streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. They are an invasive species where they were accidentally introduced. Due to their low price, easy preparation and simple taste are consumed in most parts of India.
Pink Perch
This fish belongs to the Percidae family. There are various species of perch and so are confused among each other. They are very tasty and so are very popular fish food among Indians.
Walking Catfish
This fish is now banned in India and considered as invasive species as they pose threat to various other indigenous species in Indian waters. They are a good source of protein and are also cheaper than other fish in the market.
Indo-Pacific King Mackerel
Popularly known as seer fish is a sea fish of mackerel family. Found mostly in the Indian ocean and the adjoining seas. Adults can weigh up to 45 kgs and are very strong fighters when hooked out of water. This fish is very popular in India and neighbouring countries. This fish is also used to make pickle which is eaten with rice.
This fish is closely related to salmon and char and is a freshwater fish belonging to Salmonidae. Lake trout are mostly found in freshwater lakes and rivers while rainbow trout spend two or three years at sea before returning to freshwater to spawn. These fish are classified as oily fish and are consumed in India on special occasions.
These fishes belong to Bramidae family. These fishes are found mainly in Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. This fish is very delicious and its meat is white in colour. It is a bit expensive than other counterparts. This fish is rich in protein and Omega 3 fatty acids.
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